Sunday, October 24, 2010

(Instant) Karma

A Brief Meditation on (Instant) Karma from "The Mummy"
Or Why You Needn't Worry About Getting Even

You know that urge you get to retaliate at, say, a driver who cut you off at 70 mph? Let it ease on down the road.

That fantasy you have of sending door-to-door solicitors to the cornfield? Send it packing to the next house, the next street, the next neighborhood.

Your plan to gift the neighborhood's howling dog to friends with a ranch 20 miles out of town? Save it for holiday gift-giving instead.

The voodoo doll and the sparkling sharp needles intended for your inept boss? Keep them for the religious fundamentalists trying to gain political office.

A curse you want to hurl at the leader of your home owners' association? Forget about it!

You needn't risk your life, limb, or soul to engineer payback. For as Evy wisely points out, “Nasty little fellows [...] always get their comeuppance. [...] Oh, yes. Always.” (Don't you just love the word “comeuppance”?)

That's right. Everything has a consequence. Every action has a reaction. Every vibe spreads like a ripple through still water. And since the Earth is a sphere, what starts in one person comes around back to that person.

The consequence of a misdeed can take any form. It can take a mighty long time in manifesting, too. And its sufferer is not likely to know why some calamity has befallen him or her. And you are even less likely to know anything about it. It's not for your benefit or prurient thrills, after all.

Just don't worry yourself with tricky machinations. Don't risk your ever-lasting soul with ill intentions. Let Karma do her thing as she always does. Always.

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